A buyer's guide to getting ready for your home inspection.
You've booked your inspection and signed your contracts. Now what?
Do I Also Need a WETT Inspection?
If the property being inspected has a wood burning appliance such as a fireplace, woodstove, wood boiler, or wood furnace, the answer is yes. Virtually any home insurance company will need to see a current WETT Inspection in order to issue fire insurance coverage for the appliance. Make sure you have this service booked as an add-on if you need it.
All Homes Have Defects
Yes - even brand new homes are imperfect in some way. Don't be surprised if your inspector finds some of these most common defects during your home inspection.
Loose toilet
Missing smoke/CO alarms
Missing electrical cover plates
Paint or caulking maintenance required
Furnace filter needs replacing
Gutters need cleaning
Remember, a lot of these can be relatively simple to correct!
We May Not Find Everything
Home inspections are thorough, but they do have limitations.
We visually inspect readily accessible areas and test systems using their normal operating controls. The inspection report is a snapshot of the condition of the home at the time of inspection. A Home Inspection Report cannot predict the future, and home inspectors (unfortunately) cannot see through walls.
Don't be surprised if you start to learn the quirks of your new home as the seasons change!
Doing Your Walkthrough
If you choose to arrange a walkthrough with your inspector after the inspection has been performed, here are a few things to remember:
The walkthrough will not cover the entire report - it will focus on the items that require the most immediate attention
You don't have to remember everything that is said - that's what the report is for!
If you don't understand something, please don't hesitate to ask. - Homes are complex and have many technical terms that inspectors may use to talk about them. We will be more than happy to explain things in the way that is best for you.
Refrain from bringing other people - please only attend if you are directly involved in the real estate transaction. Your report will be available online to share with family members and friends should you choose to.
Remember that you don't own the house yet - until the deal closes you are still a guest in another person's home. Please be considerate and refrain from touching things or moving furniture.
Key Points
Make sure you have booked all the services you need.
All homes have defects.
We may not find every single one.
Ask questions and make sure you understand. We're here to help!